Author's Posts

Dear Governor’s Bridge Neighbours:

Looking for a way to make a difference and help the people in the Ukraine?

My name is Anna Shaw and I live at 60 Nesbitt Drive. While scrolling FACEBOOK, I saw an initiative from the Leaside Community that is being spearheaded by Jason Van Bruggen and his wife, Blaine Pearson, to help raise much needed items for the Ukraine.

I have linked up with them to be the GBRA drop-off site. I will co-ordinate the items we raise this weekend to merge with their shipment.


What do they need?
There is a call out for donations of items identified as highly in need by the Ukrainian Embassy in Toronto and Ukraine Medical Assist. I have posted their requested list at the bottom of this note. Please only new or used items in good condition.

Who will deliver the items to the Ukraine?
Through the international shipping organization MEEST( ALL donated items will be packaged, transported and shipped to organizations in Warsaw to be distributed among Ukrainian refugees escaping into Poland.

Drop off location: 60 Nesbitt Drive (across the street from the park) Drop off dates: Saturday, March 5th & Sunday March 6th (9 AM – 8 PM)

Need a pick up? Yes – send me an email directly at and I will be happy to pick them up from your house.

Prefer to donate cash?

I will accept cash donations from our GBRA community. Send me an email at I will go to COSTCO on Monday morning to buy what’s on the list. I will track donations and share the COSTCO invoice with those who donate (but I will not publish names). 100% of the funds will go to the purchase.

I know we are all feeling the shock and disbelief of what is happening in the Ukraine. This is just one small way we can make an impact. Every little bit helps.


Anna Shaw

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